Post by Administrator/TYE! on Sept 3, 2012 14:02:48 GMT -5
please make sure you have made this claim before role playing :] post your stuff wrapped inside this code [*code][*/code] without the stars. thanks, tye
a b BRIGGS, sarah grace| levi victoria rizzo c d e f g h i j k l m MASSACRE, megan| emelia rose lovenote n o p q r s t u v w x y z boys code!LAST, first middle | charactes first middle last.[b][i][color=lightblue]LAST, first middle[/color][/b][/i] [color=black]|[/color] [url=URL TO PROFILE HERE]charactes first middle last.[/url] girls code!LAST, first middle | charactes first middle last.[b][i][color=pink]LAST, first middle [/color][/i][/b][color=black]|[/color] [url=URL TO CHARACTERS PROFILE]charactes first middle last.[/url]